WARNING: WEB PLAYER VERSION IS SCUFFED, but I mean it's still fun!

My first ever game jam entry! (If I somehow place in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, I don't want the prize. I just did this for fun :) )

The theme was Supernatural, and one of the definitions I got from a google search was, "attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature." 

I said, "Hey, aliens are supernatural then." And so I made this.

It's Space Invader, buy YOU play as the Alien. All assets were made by me in Unity, except the music, which was taken from a royalty-free website: https://www.fesliyanstudios.com/royalty-free-music/downloads-c/8-bit-music/6

Fun Fact: This is the first game I've made with highscores that actually save.


TSI.zip 34 MB


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XD what

and where is the supernatural here?)

read the desc lol


well, good luck)

why thank you :)